the net you are considering. When you are on the water with a fish tugging at your line, it is too late to discover that your net has draw backs to its efficient use. Don’t get sucked in by hype or name endorsements by Musky notables…make an informed decision not a gut decision. Tight Lines Author's Note - Since I purchased the Beckman Fin Saver net, I have had the opportunity to use it quite a few times. I am very pleased with the lack of stress that is put on the fish when it is in the net. However, I have come to realize that the weight of the net makes it very hard to handle when fishing by oneself. I have been successful netting fish when fishing by myself, but it was a real struggle. I firmly believe that the potential for a bad net job when fishing by oneself is very high. I will be buying another lighter net to use when I am fishing alone. I have not decided upon a net as of yet but it will certainly be one with a coated bag. Many of my fellow "Musky Wizards" have suggested that I look at the Frabill net and I will certainly give them a look. 2013 Update - Well, I went and bought a Frabill net to use when I am fishing by myself, and it worked very well. But then the thought struck me...would the Beckman Fin Saver bag fit on the Frabill frame? I carefully took the bags off each net frame and then strung the Beckman bag onto the Frabill frame. It worked very well...I now had a Musky friendly net bag on a net frame I could use handily.